When I was a kid, my parents would invite their friends over for house parties. With a spread of tasty food and beverages, Motown on the record player and Members Only jackets on the Dads, kids and parents would dance on the burnt orange carpet until the kids’ bedtimes rolled around.
So much has happened since my last dance. I got married, started a family and my bedtime happens during double-digit hours instead of the single-digit ones. Now my dancing is limited to wedding receptions and the goofy dancing I do around the house to keep my son entertained
The idea of going to a dance club in Belltown makes me cringe. Not only am I out of touch with current music and bring the average age up a couple of years but I’m pretty sure my moves are dated.
Where oh where can I get my dance on? I’ll tell you where - Baby Loves Disco. Baby Loves Disco is an afternoon dance party for parents and kids (aged six months to seven years). Clubs across the country and around the world are transformed into a family friendly atmosphere of dancing, playing and snacking on healthy food.
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